
Undisturbed birth
Undisturbed birth

undisturbed birth

In summary, this film needs to be promoted so that everyone has a chance to see the beauty of birth. I'm excited about the change this film will produce in people's lives, their births, and society in general. I thank all the parents who so generously allowed their births to be filmed, and to the creative genius that conceived (yes, a pun) the idea to really put orgasmic birth into the culture. It gives me hope for our future generations of attached, loving families. It empowers them to choose normal, undisturbed birth. It allows me to plant seeds of humanistic birth in the minds of my class participants. The speakers are so passionate and knowledgeable that their messages come through loud and clear. The speakers say to the parents so eloquently everything I want them to know about birth. I really REALLY appreciate the narrative in between the births. They immerse themselves in the beauty of the births. Is erection more male and orgasm more female? The expectant parents who have seen the 3 births I choose to show don't have any problems with the births or the title.


I don't understand how we can have 4 hour erections thrust at us on the TV and yet we giggle and sputter when the word orgasm comes up. I wasn't worried, like some others, about the title. But then I began to feel guilty that I was depriving them of knowledge about birth that they should really have the option to choose. I waited a while because I was a bit nervous that it was too out of their reach. Now that I have this video, I have been introducing undisturbed labor and birth to my birth classes. I've had faith that it existed but it has been hard to come by in the typical hospital births where I have assisted families. Because of the technocratic methods of birth in my local hospitals and my lack of access to home births, I cherish the opportunity I have through Orgasmic Birth to witness totally undisturbed labor and birth. I have been a childbirth educator, doula, mother, etc. Of the three recent films, Orgasmic Birth adds depth and beauty to the existing available media. I am thrilled with the new attention to birth in the media.

Undisturbed birth